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19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas

19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas

CONDITION : Très bon


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19th century French School, Empire portrait of a young woman dressed as a vestal virgin, oil on canvas set into its original gold leaf gilt wood frame.

Very nice painting, very fresh theme, in very good condition.

Frame : 63.5cm x 54cm
Canvas : 46cm x 37.5cm

19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas19th century French School, Empire portrait of a vestal virgin, oil on canvas


Edouard Pingret, pupil of David : large Empire portrait - 1813 - 121cm x 103cm

Empire portrait of a young lady wearing antique-fashioned clothes, 19th century oil on canvas - 38cm x 32cm

Jean Alphonse Roehn : portrait of an aristocrat, Empire oil on canvas - 67.4cm x 57.7cm

Empire portrait of a French princess, early 19th century pastel