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GSLR Antiques search

Empire portrait of a young lady wearing antique-fashioned clothes, 19th century oil on canvas - 38cm x 32cm

Empire portrait of a young lady wearing antique-fashioned clothes, 19th century oil on canvas - 38cm x 32cm

PRICE : 1 300 €
CONDITION : Excellent


France : 0,00 €
UE & Swtiz. : 0,00 €
Europe, Maghreb : 0,00 €
Other locations : 0,00 €

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Empire portrait of a young lady wearing antique-fashioned clothes - maybe Princess Bonaparte - Napoleon's sister (?). 19th century ovale oil on canvas set into a gold leaf gilt wood frame.

In excellent condition.

Width : 32cm
Height : 38cm

Empire portrait of a young lady wearing antique-fashioned clothes, 19th century oil on canvas - 38cm x 32cmEmpire portrait of a young lady wearing antique-fashioned clothes, 19th century oil on canvas - 38cm x 32cmEmpire portrait of a young lady wearing antique-fashioned clothes, 19th century oil on canvas - 38cm x 32cmEmpire portrait of a young lady wearing antique-fashioned clothes, 19th century oil on canvas - 38cm x 32cmEmpire portrait of a young lady wearing antique-fashioned clothes, 19th century oil on canvas - 38cm x 32cmEmpire portrait of a young lady wearing antique-fashioned clothes, 19th century oil on canvas - 38cm x 32cm


Portrait of Colonel JB Dubessy, Empire oil on canvas attributed to Van Gorp - circa 1815

Empire portrait of a French princess, early 19th century pastel

Portrait of Gabriel F. d'Herisson, 19th century oil on canvas

Large Empire portrait of a young lady - allegory of Fertility - 108cm x 135cm