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Tall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of France

Tall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of France

PRICE : 680 €
CONDITION : Excellent


France : 27,00 €
UE & Swtiz. : 47,00 €
Europe, Maghreb : 64,00 €
Other locations : 138,00 €

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Tall Paris porcelain Empire vase decorated with a portrait of Francois Ier King of France on a subtle mandarin-coloured background, enhanced with fine gold. Satyr masks shaped handles. Early 19th century circa 1820.

Not signed, but probably the work of a great Parisian manufacture such as Dagoty or Honore.

In very good condition.

Height : 32cm
Diameter : 18cm

Tall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of FranceTall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of FranceTall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of FranceTall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of FranceTall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of FranceTall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of FranceTall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of FranceTall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of FranceTall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of FranceTall Paris porcelain Empire vase - portrait of Francois Ier King of France


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