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Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800

Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800

CONDITION : Excellent


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Louis XVI / Directoire ormolu and white marble tea table. That type of table is directly inspired from the Roman antique furnitures from Pompei and Herculanum. Parisian work from the end of the 18th century, circa 1795-1800.

Our piece is in excellent condition ; the top marble was replaced.

Height : 71cm
Diameter : 57.5cm

Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800Louis XVI ormolu and marble tea table, late 18th century circa 1790-1800


Mahogany backgammon / card table / writing table, late 18th century

Louis XVI - French Directoire mahogany console, late 18th century

Louis XVI library table or large bouillotte table - mahogany & marble