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Pair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper sticker

Pair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper sticker

CONDITION : Excellent


France : 20,00 €
UE & Swtiz. : 30,00 €
Europe, Maghreb : 40,00 €
Other locations : 75,00 €

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Pair of St Louis crystal vases, white opaline crystal decorated with a hand-painted flowers patterns and enhanced with fine gold.

Second half of 19th century, Napoleon III period circa 1880 - 1890.

Not signed (before 1936), but the original paper sticker is pasted under one base.

In perfect condition.

Height : 24cm

Pair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper stickerPair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper stickerPair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper stickerPair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper stickerPair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper stickerPair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper stickerPair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper stickerPair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper stickerPair of St Louis crystal vases, white hand-painted and gilt opaline crystal - paper sticker


Pair of blue Baccarat crystal vases, 19th century, Napoleon III production circa 1860

Baccarat white opaline vase enhanced with fine gold - mid 19th century

Pair of Baccarat crystal opaline vases enhanced with fine gold, 19th century production circa 1850